Let’s Celebrate my Return to Mileage Tracking

I have two running entries in my training spreadsheet. TWO!!!! I ran twice this week. And it was glorious.
And birds sang.

And mice danced

And cowboys swaggered.

And basically my life was a Disney movie.

An aside: To produce the above images, I googled “birds chirp”. And this popped up.


Um what? All google searches should lead to cookies. Then I thought about it. And looked. I googled birds CHIP. #fail I blame the early morning.

I mean, yes. I was gasping for breath a little and my back still hurts a smidge. But I had to know what was going to happen. I noticed that I felt better on days after I was active than than not. So I went for it. I ran on Wednesday and yesterday my back didn’t hurt more or less than it did the day before. I ran this morning and it’s little twingy. I’ll monitor it and wait and see. If it does flare up then I’ll go back to the elliptical. This is how I feel about that plan

This morning’s run was at 6:45. Yes, that’s a 6. I hate morning. I work in an office with a boss that doesn’t mind if I don’t show up until 9:15 or 9:30. I’m luck, I know. And I take full advantage and usually get up between 7:45-8:15 (haha, yeah right. I get up at 8:30). Today I was up at 6:05. The run was pretty decent and then I hit the showers. Except it’s mostly been a month since I last ran, I didn’t keep up with the elliptical like I should have, and did I mention it was pre 9 am? It’s possible I forgot how to take a sports bra off. And was maybe stuck outside a shower half in and half out. I almost had to ask a stranger. And then I remember I could put an arm through the arm hole and then pull it off. And then I felt a moment of shame that I forgot how to undress myself.

My problem with an early morning run: I’m thirsty and hungry all. damn. day. Thirsty I can take care. The hunger? That’s going to be a bigger challenge.

Sunday is 10 weeks to race day. Today I ran 2.56 miles at 3:1 intervals. I was supposed to run 35 minutes. I ran walked 40. I’ve come to accept the fact that I’ll be walking more of my half than I wanted to. But sticking with the training plan and not having any gaps, this weekend is only 4 miles. I stopped at 2.56 this morning because I hit 40 minutes, I was bored on the dreadmill, and I didn’t want to come busting out of the gate two days into my return to running. Looks like with hard word, some determination, and some awesome friends/cheerleaders this half is still going to be mine to conquer!

Hearts and running love

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