My brain is too cold to come up with a title


Ok. That’s over. Well. Not over. Because I think it might never be warm again. I probably say this every year on April 30. But good grief. I’m still running on a treadmill because it’s cold and though 42 is way way better than, say, 4, we’ve had some warmth here for a few days (I even had a sunroof open) before it was yanked away. And temperature is relative. So 42 is awful. Straight up. Still. I got my run in. And it was 84% great and 16% I-want-to-die-why-do-I-run-again? This would probably be a 94/6 if it was outside. But I guess I can give up on that. It probably would have been 77/23 if Ok Go’s “Here We Go Again” didn’t come on. That song has the perfect beat and the music video is with treadmills. Fitting for my run today. If only I had as much fun as they did.

I’m trying to stick to my training plan more closely than the last time around (oh, 2013 half marathon, you were such a bummer. Let’s never do that again mmk?). This means that yesterday I did squats and walking lunges and modified deadlifts and calf raises. I woke up this morning and was trying to figure out why my legs wouldn’t work. Then I remembered my work out yesterday. Damn. I stretched pre run, ran, and then went to stretch post run (following the program!) but when I sat on the floor to pull up my cool down stretch plan, I couldn’t sit with my legs outstretched in front of me. A day of running up and down to the 2nd floor office is going to be awesome. Just as awesome as swinging by Jennie’s before work and climbing two flights of stairs. The stairs aren’t all that awful (yes they are) but the worst WORST part is that the top stair is a solid 2-3 inches taller than ALL the other steps. So you finally get up there and your last step has to be GIANT. I think every time I’ve gone over there I’ve had to pause at the top of her steps to let my muscles unsieze. This morning I had to hold to the railing for fear of toppling back down them. In the pouring rain. The cold cold pouring rain

Yes. The weather again. Apparently I refuse to get over it. I’m wearing a fall/winter sweater and scarf in protest of the cold. I had been trying to wear bright springy things to bring on the warmth but that wasn’t working and I just give up. I’m glad because it was freezing inside the locker room at the gym and when I finally put my sweater on, feeling returned to my fingers. The cool temperature of the gym locker room is a double edged sword. It’s awesome from an exercise perspective. I already sweat into my eyes on a regular basis. No need for it to be warmer. And if I didn’t have the locker room to cool down in it would be a week before I could get in the shower and feel like I’m not going to be still sweating after. But coming out of the shower? So not awesome. It’s a race to see how quickly I can get clothes on. I trudged out of the gym and said a lot of swear words at the rain on the way to my car. And coffee.

As a deal with myself, any day I make it to the gym/run/workout in the morning, I can stop at Starbucks for a latte. It helps motivate and also keep my latte numbers down at a manageable level. My closest Starbucks is in a Target. I needed a couple things so I squeezed in 5 minutes of shopping. It seems Target got the memo that it’s still cold and cranked the heat up. By the time I rolled up to the Starbucks counter I was starting to sweat again. Influenced by this, I bought an iced coffee. I was happy about this decision until I got to the door to see that along with the cold, the skies had opened up and it was pouring. Then I wished for hot coffee. Well, really my warm bed and flannel jams. But I’m not sure my boss would be on board with that plan.

I guess I’m just going to sit here huddled in my office fleece and think about warm things. Anybody got a left over marathon space blanket they’re not using?

Hearts and sunshine.

Because if the sun doesn’t start shining Ima cut someone.

Bad gym morning. Pop tarts. And my lackluster Star Wars knowledge

I ran a whole mile and a half today. Walking some because I was on a treadmill, my treadmill buddy ditched to ride a bike ::side eye:: and my headphones and water bottle were in the car. Plus Girl Code was on MTV and though I hate that there are probably some teenage girls that don’t realize that it’s all a joke and that they shouldn’t really act out this “Girl Code”, it’s pretty funny. And funny is distracting. I just couldn’t get myself to get excited about running. Which is the pits because I’m supposed to be running 45 minutes 2x this week and then run 5 miles this weekend. This is also a bummer because I cross trained my butt off last night and felt awesomesauce! And then I celebrated a hoppy IPA day. (<3 beer holidays)
To sort of, a little bit, make up for not running the full 45 minutes I was supposed to, I hopped on the bike for 20 minutes. Will it help with getting my running fitness back up? Not as much as just running this morning would have been. But it did mean I could have a guilt free pop-tart this morning. Because it’s Friday, works projects are just all over the place and demanding all my attention, it’s raining, and I would like to still be in sweat pants, thank you very much. As it is, I’m in a zip up hoodie because it’s cold up in this joint but I don’t want the heat up because they’ll probably turn it from Hoth to whatever the opposite of Hoth is. The only Star Wars I’ve seen is Phantom Menace and whatever parts of Return of the Jedi were on TV. (Points for knowing Hoth??? It’s possible I know that from Angry Birds Star Wars. Don’t judge. I see you flinging that little Skywalker bird, too). It’s also possible I put the hood up too. It’s probably extremely unprofessional, but today I do not care. I’m grumpy. I’m at work. And my run this morning was a total Friday buzz kill. Not to mention I was at the gym at 6:45 twice this week. Apparently 1 morning workout a week is my limit. I was quite cheery and happy on Tuesday. Today I was:


Maybe I’ll go for a run in the rain after work. Hahahhahahahaahaha. I thought maybe you’d like to hear a joke. Although maybe it’s not a joke. I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure my couch is going to be pretty magnetic tonight. At least there’s beach time with my Mama tomorrow. And it’s August so we’ll just be in the water the whole day and it will be GLORIOUS.

Hope you didn’t come here for an uplifting post! Maybe this is funny. I don’t even know. But Leslie Knope always makes me feel a little better. I think I see a viewing of Love Actually in my future. You might say “But Liz, it’s a Christmas movie” and to that I say “Shut it. I just want to see Hugh Grant crab dance.”
Hearts and drink alllllllll the coooofffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Running on a Monday Morning

A conversation between the voices in my head this morning at 6:18 a.m.
Runner: “Oh, wow. I’m actually feeling pretty awake. One more snooze and it’s time to hit the pavement”
Non-runner (big fan of sleep): “But it’s so comfy here.”
Runner: “Yeah, but I didn’t run yesterday, so I have to run today.”
Non-runner: “C’mon. Just skip it. You went Friday.”
Runner: “Friday was too long ago. And I can’t go after work, so don’t use that as an excuse.”
Non-runner: “You know you want to sleep more. Just do it.”
[Alarm goes off again]
Runner gets out of bed. Non-runner grumbles until we’re all vertical. Then it’s not so bad.

And with that I say I’m a runner today. I sacrificed sleep. I laced up and pounded pavement before work because there’s no time after. It was 72 and humid enough to feel like I was breathing a bit of water. And still I went out. When I got home I was H-O-T hot! I unlaced my shoes, dumped my phone and ran through stood in front of the sprinkler. I was still sweating when I got to work an hour later. Stupid humidity. Only about 3 hours later did I really start to feel human again.

I’ve been away from the blog. I was on vacation (still ran) and then got a head cold that mostly made me whiny (and not run. Oops). I also spent some time re-evaluating if running is something I’m actually going to stick to. And I’ve come to the conclusion, yes. I want to keep running. I like having that community, and it’s always something to talk about, and people are always impressed that I’m a runner when really, it’s not that impressive to be a causal runner and they could do it too. I try not to confront anyone with that though. And man, when you have a good run, there’s not much that feels better. So. The cold is gone, my sinuses are mostly over it, and I finally registered for a half marathon and handed over my credit card. So I actually have to train. Plus, I’m maybe signed up for a 5k in Michigan next Saturday. I should maybe not make a total fool of myself.

This week:
M-2.25 – Done!
W-Cross/Fly to MI to visit my cousins!!!
S-5k in MI